Thursday, June 3, 2010

An Amazing Email From the Grayson Campaign!

Florida Republicans Voting for 
Democrat Alan Grayson?

For any MeanMesa visitor as troubled and puzzled by the zombie-like unanimity of the Congressional Republicans as they vote resounding "NO" after resounding "NO" on every vital legislation, this very interesting email contains some rather encouraging news.

The news?

Maybe the carefully crafted division of the W's autocracy has turned out to be less permanent than we were led to believe!  Maybe there really are unseen patriotic Americans lurking in the depths of what's left of the GOP -- Americans who actually care more about the future of our country than immediate political advantage!

Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Florida) has been saluted enough times on this blog for everyone to know how highly we think of his dedication to public service.  However, as progressives, we have also become perhaps too settled with the idea that no Democrat could possibly garner Republican support -- especially in a state as red as Florida.

By the way, Congressman Grayson appears once each week on the Stephanie Miller Show (The Stephani Miller Show, 7AM to 10AM weekdays, AM1350 - KABQ, Albuquerque).  Tune in and enjoy!

Dear MeanMesa,

A new poll conducted last week has Congressman Alan Grayson continuing to hold a commanding lead in the Republican primary in Florida's 8th Congressional District.

Grayson is, of course, a Democrat. Yet Grayson is far and away the leading choice for Congress among registered Republicans in FL-8. In fact, he has as much support among Republicans as his top three Republican opponents combined.

In the poll, Grayson won the support of 26.5% of registered Republicans, virtually the same figure as three months ago. None of Grayson's seven Republican opponents scored higher than 11.2%. 41.8% of registered Republicans remain undecided.

Congressman Grayson is working to reach out to all voters in the District - regardless of political party - and, it's clear our efforts are working. If you want to help us get the word out and support Rep. Grayson's re-election campaign, sign up to volunteer now!

According to our poll, Republicans are giving Grayson high marks for his Constitution initiative. Almost half of all Republicans said that they were more likely to vote for Grayson because he passed a resolution urging high schools to teach the Constitution, and he had distributed tens of thousands of copies of the Constitution throughout the district.

The poll also showed that the Tea Party is more popular with Republicans than any of the Republican candidates. According to our poll, when asked which party they were most likely to support in this election, 16.3% of registered Republicans chose the Tea Party. Peg Dunmire is the Florida Tea Party candidate for Congress.

Congressman Grayson was pleased with the results, telling the press, "People like a Congressman with guts. And they want results. We increased federal competitive grants in this district by 98% in our first year. That extra $100 million benefits Republicans, Independents and Democrats equally. People of every political persuasion want to see action to help solve their problems, and that's what they're seeing from us."

Keep Alan Grayson working for us in Congress. Volunteer now with our campaign.

Thanks so much for your time.
Susannah Randolph, Campaign Manager
Alan Grayson for Congress
Learn more and get involved at

MeanMesa's compliments to Congressman Alan Grayson.

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