Saturday, November 28, 2015

2016 Civil War - Dreams and Nightmares

The Next American Civil War
Tis' the season. Start your shopping early.
Be sure to mark your calendar for a couple of months in 2016 or 2017.

We frequently hear that the United States has never been as divided and polarized as it is today, but such comments betray a troubling lack of depth with respect to one's awareness of history. The mid Nineteenth Century offers a chilling contradiction to such a claim.

To "muddy the waters" even a little more, not only is the sanguine horror of the tale missing, the other details of what all prompted it to begin have been sorely "civilized" and "organized" in other more or less deceptive ways to produce a Disney Land version suitable for consumption by high school students, romance movies, 1800's battle ground movies and, worse of all, flippant threats from those unknowing souls who would like for everyone else to think that they are considering the "war" option seriously.

All of this would only amount to the rantings of a cranky old blogger -- if there weren't more. Unhappily, there is more.

MeanMesa predicts that the nation may be slowly rumbling into a 21st Century version of the hideous nightmare of the 1850's. No one walking the streets of American today can even begin to comprehend what a seventeen year old in a poorly fitting uniform with worn out boots was experiencing as he made his way to fight at Cheat Mountain, Virginia, in September of 1861. The problem arises when the largely illiterate potential combatants visualize this "experience" in the context of the copious, fictional, cosmetic "renditions" of it as modern theater.

The next civil war won't be the same. At all.

MeanMesa has been thinking about this -- primarily as a result of examining the GOP's Trump  and Carson supporters. Yes, the billionaires in charge of the Republican Party are chortling in their soup at the prospect of ripping a gash through the country large enough for them to walk in and take over the whole works. Those awkwardly bloody dreams of rapacious greed are "yesterday's news" to visitors here at the blog, but for the rest of America, it may well be "high time" to begin attempts to visualize the details of what such a pogrom might be.

The screaming racists occupying the modern Confederacy have neither the education nor the intellectual capacity for such an undertaking, but we should remember that many of them can still shoot. They have been propagandized and carefully agitated to the point of unstable collapse, and in such a state, we may assume that their "violent side" is already barely contained.

Finally "kicking them over the edge" might have been a daunting task if hundreds of millions of dollars had not been directed to the media -- both FOX and the other useless networks -- to sustain a "24/7" flow of incendiary drivel for the decades since Reagan. These days, all these drawling, uninformed hill billies are, indeed, perched perilously at the edge. Further, they are not all Southerners -- the Confederacy's infestation reaches deeply into racist strongholds such as Indiana, Ohio and others.

In all those unfortunate places Republican governments have stripped the red states of "every nickel which wasn't bolted down." Wages are awful, and as a result living conditions are predictably careening into the abyss with them. Education has intentionally had its Achilles' tendons sliced, and legions of odorous, "dirty shirt preachers" of the type which have never been particularly civilized, have been on an Old Testament rampage for years.

So, all the ideological "fog and feathers" are already afoot...waiting for the bullets.

A MeanMesa "Educational" Supplement
Uncover Your Eyes and Look at the Last Civil War
It turns out that we're more ready than we thought.
Don't worry about gathering too many details about the last one, 
we're at the "dawn of a new version."

Had we begun a decade ago, we might have conceivably "educated" ourselves to avoid this situation, but "education" takes time -- lots of time -- to make such water shed transitions. It's too late -- way too late -- to educate ourselves now. Plus, the oligarchs' plan called for "education" to be pretty much broken even way sooner than that.

The oligarchs are salivating. Bernie Sanders famously repeats that "The billionaires can't have it all," but right now they are close enough to "having it all" to count the buttons.

So, we can look at the Civil War, but not as history -- as news.
June 3, 1864, Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia [image source]
Coming to your town.
Americans remember things by context. Not too long ago citizens here learned about matters such as the first civil war by reading more or less objective history books and occasionally seeing the old photographs which annotated such reports. Such realistic history lessons are now, thanks largely to "allegedly educational" propaganda institutions such as the Texas School Board, have been, apparently permanently, remanded to either the professional, graduate studies of academic historical "hair splitters" of, simply, to the lost and rewritten, dark annals of forgotten history about events which actually happened.

However, when MeanMesa refers to "lost and rewritten, dark annals of forgotten history about events which actually happened," the effort is not directed at some overly dramatic lament. We can even scrutinize this claim by the numbers...

1. "lost and rewritten" 

Recently a mother of young public school student complained that her ninth grade son's textbook rather brazenly characterized as the black slaves -- who had been kidnapped in Africa and forcibly brought to the United States to perform forced labor until they died -- as "immigrant workers."

The text book was quite intentionally prepared, approved by the "ethical and objective, academic guardians" seated on the Texas School Board, published with a substantial subsidy provided by a few racist Texas oil millionaires and distributed to school systems all across the country -- at a "real bargain price." [Read the story here Washington Post]

Similarly, even the bloody Civil War -- which was fought over the question of brutal, inhumane, legal slavery -- has been re-imaged in the same way and by the same process as some sort of complicated issue such as "states rights," "property rights" or "economic necessities" by the eager text book authors of the modern Confederacy with the full support of preachers, politicians and other bigots infesting the unfortunate region.

2. "dark annals of forgotten history"

The intention of such "academic prostitution," aside from its visible attachment to the retrograde religious impulses found in the Confederacy, is obvious. Those writing the checks to sustain this awful perversion of facts have a wet dream of an entire generation of voters who really, really do think that the bloody, starving survivors of the slave ships were, in fact, pleasantly ambitious "immigrant workers."

Generational stupidity has always offered political advantages, but this uniquely perverse, destructive "festival of lies" pays that wage six fold. As hundreds of thousands of American teenagers walk away from graduation ceremonies with this intentionally taught, historical calumny in their brains, the Texas bigots who financed the evil hoax are chortling around their "down home" pot belly stoves like George W. Bush at the Chinese Olympics.

3. "...about events which actually happened."

Forget Vivian Leigh and Clark Gable.

Neither the Civil War nor any other war were anything similar to what can be seen in cinematic fiction depicting them. [Have another look at the photograph above.] The day following the Battle of Gettysburg rivers of blood were still flowing across the farmland scene of the horror. The sounds were the groans of slow death knells and the wordless, patient gurgling of those still in the process of dying, all punctuated by the screams of those on amputation tables and embellished with the putrescent stench from the piles of corpses bearing uniforms of both colors. THAT was Civil War.

There is almost no possibility of avoiding the next Civil War when those most eager to engage in it have no idea what comes next. Perhaps only the most idealistic among us are prepared to look at guaranteeing this objective distribution of such vital knowledge as one of the fundamental responsibilities of public education.

There's no telling what this looks like to the Texas billionaires so obsessed with disseminating such craven, bold faced lies -- to the young! MeanMesa sincerely hopes that not a single one of them is able to avoid the view once the shooting starts....or the day after it pauses.

No Armies, No Uniforms, No Bugles,
No Generals and No Winners
It's hard for a mob to take down an entire network
or ensconce a new man in the Oval Office, but there's no rush.
The Chinese and the Russians will take "R and R" 
until we knock out all of our teeth.

MeanMesa suspects that combat will be initiated with clashes between ideologically separate parties, perhaps with unexpectedly harsh violence, during protests and demonstrations. The police and the National Guard units might enter the fray in some sort of order at the beginning, but both groups, quite aside from their respective "sacred oaths," would find their ranks gradually dividing along the both of the same "positions" that the combative parties held.

There might be some initial success at "defusing" the passion in such events, but that "period of perilous peacefulness" will be short lived. Gradually, the impetus to "open fire" which might have originally been based on some sort of policy decision or active demonstration will shift to an "automatically reaffirming" impulse to simply "get even" for the most recent, previous violence.

The Fourth Estate, already famously irresponsible for any motive beyond getting additional viewers, could, conceivably, play a positive role at this point, but the same "media moguls." quite segregated from the actual reality of such grave events, will be more likely to be attracted to the profits to be made by editorially injecting even more incendiary propaganda into the matter. [We must remember that, while usually attributing this republic wrecking rhetoric to FOX, we have to also seat the other "alphabet networks" in the defendants' dock with Murdoch and the Saudi Prince.]

There will almost certainly be "lone wolves" imagining themselves to be "retributive snipers" acting in accord with some character they've seen in a movie. Rather than reporting "news" of a Union Army advancing along this road or through that valley, the horror will be more akin to "wall paper." No city, town or neighborhood will be "off limits" for the violence -- probably not even the guarded, gated, country club estate communities of the billionaires.
Asuncion in Springtime [image]

Happily, for them, at the first sign of trouble they will have removed themselves along with their families and servants to the safety of their yachts or to certain mansions among their "quiet" foreign holdings in places where it is currently springtime. Paraguay should be hopping with "touristy visitors" who seem strangely "at home"  in the cafes and restaurants of Asuncion. [Visit this blog (2008) Springtime in Paraguay - MEANMESA]

Importantly, although suppressing this type of "wide ranging" violence might, in more normal times, be considered a police matter, after it has spread across the country to all the places where "pissed off" Americans have both rifles and bad tempers, let's just say that "putting the cork back in the jug" will become a much more daunting challenge. In almost no time at all the "reasons" for shooting someone will migrate, almost magically, from any sort of recognizable political conflict to simply a matter of "just settling scores" -- all of them.

As the casualty count soars there will not be many reports -- beyond the predictably useless, inflammatory "editorial" comments by the likes of Hannity or O'Reilly -- of one side or the other winning or losing. Nonetheless, every slowly maturing grudge targeting some neighbor who once kicked one's cat will "blossom into full, mature, ripeness, ready for harvest" as the delicious odor of black powder revenge wafts through once peaceful neighborhoods.

Even when it's finally over, it will still not be "finally over." Whatever arguments were simmering about things which had "happened" and were resolved by the gun fire will be replaced with new ones about what just "happened" during the gunfire. It promises to be a "uniquely American event," perhaps best labeled "a Civil War in name only" when compared to all these others punctuating the old history books.

Still, not a problem. Those old books are in a box stored in a school basement somewhere.

Maybe we could switch the term describing the event to something a little more like "Dionysian..." Once everyone had an opportunity to realize how fun was to be had, those festivals went on for centuries.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

GOP - Making Everything Old New Again

A Word Nibbled to Death by Time
It wasn't pretty, either. When definitions no longer exist, 
speaking louder and faster become the order of the day.

In the olden days there was, at least theoretically, an actual contextual meaning for the term "conservative." Even then it was a word usable only with only the most awkward style of comparative meaning -- that is, when considered by itself, a definition quickly became quite nebulous. To accommodate this "syntactic challenge," conversational references to, for example, "conservative" things or "conservative" values, for instance, usually descended quickly to "what it didn't mean" and were augmented by all manner of comparisons to to "things" or "values" which its antonym might suggest were present.

However, as time passed even the task of selecting the "correct" antonym began to also descend into the same uncertain waters. "Liberal" or "progressive" seem to be the most recent efforts to describe "things" and "values" which were, by definitions never really made formally concrete, antithetical to "conservative things and values."

Of course this modern hodge podge of twisted concepts and labored efforts to bias communication did not occur spontaneously, that is, did not occur as organically as mere "lillies in the field." Instead, the current dichotomy was patiently developed with long, tedious planning and at great cost in the public opinion manipulating bunkers of the billionaire class.

Whatever's on your mind. [image]
The result was that many voters who never before enjoyed access to words with so many syllables suddenly found themselves entirely comfortable with the use of this particular term, "conservative." In no time at all its casual definition [in its use by this crowd] was entirely "vaporized into the dusty annals of forgotten history" only to be replaced instantly by absolutely whatever meaning such minds might have sought to add to their discourse in the precise moment it was uttered.

Conversations including a reference to "conservatism" may as well have been drunken arguments conducted with a rapidly rotating Wheel of Fortune.

[There's absolutely not even the slightest reason to worry about hurting the feelings of any of these "word salad chatterers" by commenting about them this way on the blog. If for no other reason, the "syllable count" typical to these posts would have sent them scattering in confused horror after they had encountered the first sentence.]

Things of Today and Things of Yesterday
It will help to hide your calendar.

The mad rush "back to the imaginary past" was predicted long before the GOP's "girders popped" in preparation for this election cycle. In the darkest, most frightening days immediately after the Republican Recession's looting frenzy had cooled a bit, President Obama made a prescient comment regarding the state of mind of voters.

Among the "non-lobbyist" crowd, everyone who had possessed wealth in practically any form -- real estate equity, 401 K accounts, retirement savings, and so on -- lost 40% of everything in few weeks. The President accurately foretold that these brutally injured "Middle Classers" would be inclined to revert to furtive, imagined memories of their individual "good old days." Although few Americans realized this in the frightening days of 2008, experts have concluded that a full recovery from the disaster will at least take two decades.

"And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations," Obama said. [April 13, 2008 - in the worst days of the Great Republican Recession - Christianity Today]

The New Dark Ages
The GOP's Twelve Step Program to
Re-institute History in Retrograde

Where in the world did they get these ideas? Oh, right.
The Dark Ages
[ image - jonasdero]
The term "Conservative" wordlessly embodies an eager rejection of the present reality and a full retrograde impulse to re-establish mythical conditions imagined to have prevailed in the past.

1. Invading the Middle East - Again

More than a few of the current GOP Presidential candidates are proposing another invasion of Iraq and Syria with a US land army. Predictably, the burden of revealing important details about such a military adventure are lost amid the propaganda. The Dark Ages were annotated by one Crusade after another to "liberate" Middle Eastern real estate into the hands of the Pope and the Nobles, but we don't have to travel that far into the past to understand this one.

2. Criminalizing Minority Status

This takes three main directions. A. Complaints from black Americans with respect to the wide spread police shootings are "dispatched" by GOP candidates by citing racist epithets. B. GOP politicians stubbornly adhere to complete opposition to any political resolution to managing the current immigration crisis. C. GOP political candidates openly supporting the establishment of "blanket" detention camps in the US for landed immigrants from specific regions.

3. Cultural and Religious Purity

Openly Dominionist GOP Presidential candidates espouse the specific supremacy of Christian [Western] values and policy. Kasich is supporting an international propaganda campaign to promote "Western" values, while Donald Trump has "quietly" [indecisively] supported a policy requiring religious identification tags on Muslims. Humanity's dark history is littered with such programs.

4. Reconstructing the Division of Berlin

Every time Donald Trump bellows about "building a wall" between the US and Mexico, MeanMesa cannot avoid remembering the wall which divided Berlin for years -- including the corpses strewn about on the Eastern side when desperate Germans attempted to run the gauntlet through the unmanned, automatic machine guns. Building an impenetrable wall between the US and all contiguous neighbors amounts to roughly the same thing.

The Berlin Wall was a constant reminder of why people wanted to escape the crushing hardship of an utterly failed social system. Ironically, within a few years after their construction, the Trump walls will probably be a constant reminder of the same thing.

5. Mutual Assured Destruction [MAD] 

People who clearly have no idea what occurs when an H-Bomb detonates over a populated area should not recklessly tease the Russian Federation. The United States and Russia still have -- by far -- the largest and most credible nuclear deterrent weaponry. Restarting the Cold War with the Russian Federation would initiate future decades of nuclear insanity -- not to mention gigantic arms expenditures crippling economic stability on both sides.

Those Europeans who lived in the Dark Ages were almost constantly threatened by unending wars -- the Hundred Years War, the Thirty Years War and more. The United States and Russia have been threatening each other [occasionally threatening more and less] with nuclear war for over fifty years.

6. Validating Cultural Supremacy 

GOP political campaigns are now openly promoting the psychology of [US National] exceptionalism based on biased interpretations of history. History reveals that when this becomes the national psychology, war inducing jingoism follows rather quickly in its wake. The psychology of exceptionalism "excuses" citizens who think that actually being informed about international realities is an unnecessary burden to qualify one to formulate an "informed" [valid/realistic] opinion about national policy.

7. Establishing Statutory Law Based on Religious Ideology

Although these ideas have been embedded in GOP political campaigns only at the level of innuendos, the trend is toward far more specific references. The GOP base responds well to the fantasy of Biblical credentials and Biblical policies when espoused by Republican candidates. Even the mere mention of creating statutory law based on admittedly ill defined Biblical principles excites poll numbers. To MeanMesa this is reminiscent of the suffocating Catholic theocracy in Europe during the Dark Ages.

8. Creating a Cynical Crisis in Trust 

We can only speculate the long term effects of a determined, well financed effort to fundamentally shake the trust Americans have traditionally held for their representative government. Nationally, there has never been a period entirely absent of complaints and suspicions, the the current wave of total mistrust exceeds anything similar in the past. The effort has employed every possible ploy including the "kitchen sink" to accomplish this among a nearly illiterate electorate -- raw xenophobia, intimations of God's wrath, nearly unilateral dread from no longer controlling the economy -- all driven to a fever pitch by an entire "news" network hell bent on completing the job.

9. Cultural Paranoia and Fear 

This refers to a general fear and anxiety. Americans haven't had a moment's rest of this onslaught, and the results are telling. Fear has become the "currency of the day." For perhaps a majority of Americans a television talk show which doesn't invoke even more fear is generally characterized as suspect or unrealistic. Although the President joked about this development with respect to the GOP Presidential candidates, the brutal reality of it stretches far afield  --- beyond just the campaigns -- to include an  un-examined fear of even the most innocuous daily encounters for millions of Americans.

The electorate has been groomed into a state in which fear and hopeless malaise can be turned to a political advantage.

10. Bigotry as the Status Quo 

The fear and xenophobia usher in raw bigotry. Americans who disapprove of police shooting among black citizens mitigate their criticism with rambling justifications -- shadowy justifications carefully designed and embedded into the back grounds of their minds by professional think tanks and other experts employed to mitigate public opinion. Anyone considering this to be an exaggeration or an embellishment need only listen for "buts." "Yes, it was awful, but..." "Yes, it was racist, but..." "Yes, it was unnecessary, but..."

Racism almost certainly has many foundations and derives from many social roots, but for oligarchs public opinion schemes validating racism, justifying it and even tolerating violent racism are "tried and tested" means for maintaining a divided electorate -- something necessary for them to accomplish their ambitions.

[Read more NYTIMES]

11. Lower Standards of Living and Poverty 

During the decade or so that the tea party has been holding political sway, the American population has descended from being the best fed in the world to a nadir which sees one in six children facing food uncertainty. Now, although the oligarchs have dispatched the tea party as no longer useful, the poverty remains -- and continues to grow. This tragedy may be shocking, but we can be encouraged by the fact that it is not an inexplicable "mysterious development." Both the process and the consequences are entirely consistent with the "larger plan" initiated by the oligarch class during the Reagan era.

Conditions of life during the Dark Ages were marked by a desperate "dog eat dog" poverty and superstitious fear conveniently induced by religion. The ambitious plan of the billionaires is to persuade Americans to accept oligarchy and dynastic wealth as a new, permanent status quo in the democracy -- in the same way that Dark Ages peasants accepted the "Divine Right" of the noble plutocrats who ruled them.

[GOP Poverty Report Washington Post]

12. Rewriting History 

Written history poses a far less serious threat to those who would rule men's minds when no one knows it, but if straight, out and out illiteracy can't be achieved, twisting the content of history books will do almost as well. This was, for example, one of the root causes of the sectarian violence after the US invasion of Iraq. For years Iraqi Sunnis had been taught that they represented a majority of the Iraqi population -- the opposite of the true distribution of Sunni and Shiite demographics.

In domestic education the Texas School Board's well financed effort to promote "conservative" ideology through subsidizing text books for other states is another example.

This leads to a patient effort which leads large numbers of "educated" Americans to fail to criticize the policies and individuals who have, frankly, damaged the country. The long term consequence is the creation of entire generations deeply saturated by such propaganda and as a result, a population no longer able to discern the qualities of character necessary for competent performance in a high office. Understandably, celebrity candidates, for example, are confused with those having competence for national leadership. 

[Read more - Think Progress]

The Vanishing, Existential Difference 
Between "Perfect" and "Failed"
Especially when discussing religion, politics, 
current events or policy... but probably not sex.

A few years ago the daily email orders from the GOP's think tank bunkers must have flatly stated that the use of the term "failed" would be injected into all Republican campaign rhetoric and public statements at every possible opportunity. As a result we now have a "failed" economic policy, a "failed" foreign policy, a "failed" immigration policy, a "failed" health insurance reform, a "failed" Wall Street reform program, a "failed" infrastructure reconstruction program and plenty of other "failed" things.

Wait. Would it be "out of line" to insist that anyone using this blanket condemnation of "failed" be also obliged to propose a "perfect" alternative? Or, if the "perfect" option turns out to be an unfair requirement, could some other option described merely as "successful" replace it?

MeanMesa suspects that such a demand would produce some serious "dead air time" in the relentless broadcast of the mouth junk emanating from the oligarchs' ideology bunkers. In fact -- it might produce a crisis-like "lock jaw" epidemic in the New York FOX studio.

In reality [where we have to live...] the FOX propaganda authors might be frozen in their tracks if they were suddenly required to begin describing policy promising "success" instead of simply those foretelling either already accomplished "failure" or future, inevitable "failure." In no time at all we will "re-arrive" at the point where those so enamored with "failed" seek ideological refuge in the syntactic quagmire of "Conservative."

Even after Donald Trump's "campaign" inevitably obliterates itself when not even the hill billies of the GOP base will remain interested in voting for him, the allure of the "imaginary refuge" promised by this retrograde fantasy will continue. MeanMesa suspects that not even the coming landslide defeat of the GOP in 2016 will significantly alter this carefully crafted mindset. It is simply too useful as a political manipulation tool for the oligarch class.

No matter how intently the sold out media promotes the fantasy, there really is a reality. It is all around us, and dealing with it is not optional or discretionary. The Republicans have systematically thrown every identifiable demographic "under the bus" at this point -- with the exception of the white, information challenged, illiterate racists and smelly, starry eyed fundamentalists. With this "retrograde fantasy" tactic, the brilliant GOP leadership has clearly decided to "split off" any rational base voters not yet thrown under the bus and...throw them under the bus.

At some point the plutocrats will finally take the "big step" of positioning themselves to ignore electoral outcomes, but in the meantime, they will hand FOX and the others the task of convincing those already "under the bus" by that time that they are not "under the bus."

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Making Sense - Leave It To the Farmers

Taking a Second Look at Iowa
Amid the fury and feathers of the Iowa caucuses,
we find a quiet, determined realism.

Two of the really destructive "bad habits" of America's contemporary industrial media and "news" reporting are its annoying habits of:

1. creating a political caricature of Iowa which can be melded seamlessly into the latest, jaded tale of the State's "premier seat assignment" for holding the earliest primary, and an equally uncomplimentary caricature of the State's residents in agricultural areas [which comprise most of Iowa's area and hold 35% of Iowan residents] as howling, right wing lunatics obsessed only with the singular decision between other lunatics running a GOP Presidential candidates, and,
2. focusing entirely on large alternate energy projects located in urban areas where the energy produced serves for consumption by large, dense populations.

Neither conveniently simplified "shortcut" description enjoys much accuracy in terms of actual "facts on the ground." [MeanMesa worked for a time on a project in Ames, Iowa, several years ago.] In addition to the two misleading "leaders" mentioned above, we can also condemn the same media for consistently presenting exclusively nightmarish "climate change" scenarios heavily laced with sheer hopelessness -- the topical bias second only to stark terror as a persuasive ploy for network credibility.

Well, if you find yourself awash in this media nonsense, you may very well find the following New York Times article [quoted here in its entirety] a real breath of fresh air. Enjoy.

Iowa’s Climate-Change Wisdom


NOV. 20, 2015

[Visit the original article  here New York Times]

Iowa City — NEGOTIATORS en route to the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris, scheduled to begin later this month, should take a detour on rural roads here in Johnson County. A new climate narrative is emerging among farmers in the American heartland that transcends a lot of the old story lines of denial and cynicism, and offers an updated tale of climate hope.

Recent polls show that 60 percent of Iowans, now facing flooding and erosion, believe global warming is happening. From Winneshiek County to Washington County, you can count more solar panels on barns than on urban roofs or in suburban parking lots. The state’s first major solar farm is not in an urban area like Des Moines or Iowa City, but in rural Frytown, initiated by the Farmers Electric Cooperative.

In the meantime, any lingering traces of cynicism will vanish in the town of Crawfordsville, where children in the Waco school district will eventually turn on computers and study under lights powered 90 percent by solar energy. Inspired by local farmers, who now use solar energy to help power some of their operations, the district’s move to solar energy will not only cut carbon emissions but also result in enough savings to keep open the town’s once financially threatened school doors.

Wind turbines now line cornfields across the state, providing nearly 30 percent of Iowa’s electricity production. With some $10 billion invested in wind energy and manufacturing in Iowa, Republicans and Democrats alike recognize the benefits of green jobs.

This is only a beginning, of course. Dirty coal still accounts for 60 percent of Iowa’s electricity needs. But such centralization of electricity will falter, as other towns and cities follow the lead of Bloomfield, which recently announced plans to ramp up energy-efficiency efforts and shift its municipally owned utility — one of 136 in Iowa — to 100 percent energy independence, significantly through renewable sources by 2030.

But here’s the catch: Even if every coal-fired plant shuts down, land misuse still accounts for an estimated 30 percent of the world’s carbon emissions. The soils in the United States, like those of nations around the world, have lost calamitous amounts of carbon.

This is where Iowa’s new climate narrative has emerged as a great story for the nation and other countries heading to Paris. Despite the fact that the United Nations General Assembly declared 2015 to be “the international year of soils,” a global soil carbon sequestration campaign — one that recognizes direct links between climate mitigation, regenerative agriculture and food security — rarely ranks at the top of any high level accords, or even conversations.

Far too few climate change negotiators took notice of an important proposal called the Four Per Thousand Initiative, which France’s Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry introduced earlier this year. This proposal simply calls for a voluntary action plan to improve organic matter content and promote carbon sequestration in soil through a transition to agro-ecology, agro-forestry, conservation agriculture and landscape management. According to France’s estimates, a “.4 percent annual growth rate of the soil carbon stock would make it possible to stop the present increase in atmospheric CO2.”

To see the wisdom of such a proposal, you can visit the Versaland agroforestry farm in Johnson County, Iowa. In less than three years, a young farmer named Grant Schultz has planted more than 30,000 trees, introduced cover crops, composting and multispecies grazing, and transformed a once degraded industrial corn farm into a vibrant carbon capturing and storing ecosystem. Mr. Schultz is not alone; other farmers in Johnson County have joined a University of Iowa initiative to plant fields with perennial miscanthus grass, as part of a soil carbon sequestration and biomass program aimed at achieving 40 percent renewable energy consumption on campus by 2020.

In effect, Mr. Schultz and Versaland have completely shifted the climate change narrative in the heartland. Today’s farmers can play a key role in climate solutions.

Iowa has arguably the most altered landscape in the United States, with its native prairies having been reduced by more than 99 percent over the decades. As in other industrialized farming regions, volatile cycles of flooding, drought and erosion increasingly threaten farm and food security.

According to a white paper released last spring by the pioneering Rodale Institute, which studies and promotes organic farming, if management of all current cropland worldwide shifted to a regenerative model similar to that of Versaland and other organic farming sites, more than 40 percent of annual carbon emissions could potentially be captured. What Mr. Schultz and other Iowan farmers are doing is not only groundbreaking; it’s also giving the heartland a new future.

But such efforts are only a first step in what should be a global campaign. That begins by international negotiators’ committing to binding measures that increase soil organic carbon stocks as a key part of any climate solution and deal.

[Jeff Biggers, a writer-in-residence and the founder of the Climate Narrative Project at the University of Iowa, is the author of “Damnatio Memoriae.”]

Susana's Vote Money - The "Whole Tamale' "

[A note from MeanMesa: Although the Blogger's editor has always been notably functional and dependable in past, it has been on an absolute, wild rebellious "Mad Hatter's tantrum" for the construction of this particular post. Although there is plenty more to say about this post, it will have to wait for a "fresh start." Keep an eye on MeanMesa.]

A Story Never Quite Entirely Told...Yet
Drilling into what local news has covered 
and what local news has not covered.

MeanMesa's curiosity was piqued at the very first mention of this reporting on local television news broadcasts. Nonetheless, in both that first bit of the tale and in the subsequent "bits" which followed it, there is a consistent, strange "void" in the content being delivered to New Mexicans. In each case a barely noticeable little "pond of wiggle room" has been left unattended.

This story's nondescript “missing ingredient” has proven to be less and less “ignorable” with each repeated “omission.” What seems to be missing is any conclusion or even pointed evidence at precisely the “sore spot” which has attracted all this attention. Stepping up to the plate, MeanMesa has to admit that the possible choices of exactly what this “smoking gun” might ultimately turn out to simply remain disturbingly nebulous.

A few of the most easily derived “possibilities” are not particularly reassuring.


1. Nothing has actually happened at all, and the news coverage amounts to nothing more than “grasping at straws” in the hope of shaking something loose in the flurry of attention.

2. Something has, actually, happened, but that “something” has been successfully buried below so many layers of “conditional responsibility” and “un-ascertainable culpability” as to be resting quite comfortably beyond the reach of even these inquisitive investigators.

3. All the anomalies can be very, very reasonably explained away into atmospheric dust wafting across the high desert because they are all simply small, unimportant discrepancies in accounting practices.

4. Everything which now appears to be “out of the ordinary” is actually Dianna Duran's fault. [She's already been persuaded to “fall on her sword” over the gambling scandal, so perhaps Dianna's enduring another “flesh wound” is not too much to ask…]


5. The “final chapter” will amount to simply reiterating the common litany of “Nothing has happened. Nothing to see here. Everything is completely normal. Please just move along, now.” After all, with Republicans now controlling the State House of Representatives smoking guns don't tend to smoke too long around in drafty Santa Fe. 

Whatever is happening, MeanMesa is making a "down payment" on this post by offering the following two articles -- along with a group of additional links to further reporting on the same issue. Of course should more information become available, this blog will make a point of posting it for our New Mexico visitors.

One final note concerns "items 3 and 4" on the admittedly humorous and sarcastic list of "possible choices." 

A spokeswoman for the Governess appeared on KOB4 for an interview last week. She presented the "ground work" for actually blaming ex-Secretary of State Duran's incompetence for what the Santa Fe New Mexican and New Mexico In Depth were drilling to find in the Governor's official campaign accounting. In this explanation the spokeswoman described a few accounting process irregularities -- again, without pointing to anything specifically -- which might explain some of what the reporting from New Mexico in Depth which was highlighted.

New Mexico In Depth
A look at McCleskey’s money as FBI investigates
[Visit the original article nmindepth]

New Mexico candidates and political action committees have paid more than $7 million in consulting fees and media buys to Jay McCleskey and his company since early 2011, an analysis of state campaign finance records shows.

McCleskey, Gov. Susana Martinez's top political adviser and viewed as the mastermind of her 2010 election and 2014 re-election, received another $110,000 in 2014 from a top GOP group Martinez is set to lead next year.

It is no secret what McCleskey has pulled down in recent years as a top political consultant, but the money now appears to be under the microscope of an ongoing federal investigation. The Santa Fe New Mexican reported Friday night that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into money the Martinez campaign spent on McCleskey’s services. The influential GOP consultant created McCleskey Media Strategies in 2011 after Martinez took office.

It is no secret what McCleskey has pulled down in recent years as a top political consultant, but the money now appears to be under the microscope of an ongoing federal investigation. The Santa Fe New Mexican reported Friday night that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into money the Martinez campaign spent on McCleskey’s services. The influential GOP consultant created McCleskey Media Strategies in 2011 after Martinez took office.

Using a database from the Secretary of State’s office, New Mexico In Depth analyzed campaign and political action committee dollars paid to McCleskey, his firm and his wife’s firm since 2011.

The analysis found that much of the money McCleskey and his firm have made since 2011 – about $5.4 million – went to media buys on radio and television, with nearly $4.7 million of that spent by Gov. Susana Martinez’s campaign account. The Martinez campaign spent another nearly $800,000 on consulting and other services from McCleskey.

Records show the Republican governor’s campaign account and her political action committee, Susana PAC, continue to pay McCleskey consulting fees, even though Martinez is no longer running for office.

That included nearly $67,000 for consulting services from the governor’s campaign committee in January, February and April and more than $128,000 for consulting from Susana PAC from May through September.

Here’s a look at how money paid to McCleskey and his firm was spent:

Type of spending for McCleskey services

Constituent Communication
Media buy
Media/Professional Services
Constituent Survey

Other candidates who’ve employed McCleskey include recently resigned Secretary of State Dianna Duran; House Majority Leader Nate Gentry, R-Albuquerque; Reps. Conrad James, R-Albuquerque, Paul Pacheco, R-Albuquerque, and Terry McMillan, R-Las Cruces; Sen. John Ryan, R-Los Ranchos de Albuquerque; former Doña Ana District Attorney Amy Orlando, who Martinez appointed to the job she once held; and New Mexico Court of Appeals Justice J. Miles Hanisee.

Here’s a look at spending by candidates for McCleskey’s services:

Candidate spending to McCleskey

Susana Martinez
Dianna Duran
J. Miles Hanisee
Nate Gentry
Amy Orlando
John Ryan
Paul Pacheco
Conrad James
Terry McMillan

PACs spent nearly $886,000 for McCleskey’s services. Here’s a look at that spending:

PAC spending to McCleskey

 SUSANA PAC                                                   $492,331.33
 Reform New Mexico Now                                 $193,616.51
Advance New Mexico Now                                $182,428.41
NM Future PAC                                                    $17,586.00

Included in the Susana PAC spending is $6,000 in travel expenses to McCleskey’s wife, Nicole McCleskey, in 2013 and 2014. Nicole McCleskey is a partner in Public Opinion Strategies, a GOP political polling firm.

Public Opinion Strategies has done more than $1.3 million of work for New Mexico state-level candidates and PACs, with $940,000 of that spent by Martinez and Susana PAC, in addition to what McCleskey and his firm have earned.

The Republican Governors Association also paid McCleskey's firm $110,000 in 2014 for consulting services. Martinez is vice chairwoman of the RGA and is set to become chairwoman in 2016.

Here's a table of payments to McCleskey and Public Opinion Strategies:

[Some of the fields in the original article have been deleted so the chart could fit on the blogger editor. All this information is available from the original article. - MeanMesa]

Candidate/PAC Amount Date Description Company
Susana Martinez $1,551.22 6/7/10 Reimbursement Jay McCleskey
Susana Martinez $10,700.00 2/4/11 Consulting Mccleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $10,700.00 2/17/11 Media Ad Mccleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,902.73 2/18/11 Media Ad Mccleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $5,648.02 2/24/11 Radio Ad Mccleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $2,429.05 2/24/11 Constituent Communication McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $801.07 4/7/11 Direct Mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $10,700.00 4/13/11 Consulting Mccleskey Media Strategies
John Ryan $6,465.22 9/25/12 Campaign Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $9,221.26 9/25/12 direct mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Amy Orlando $65,000.00 10/5/12 TV Advertising McCleskey Media Strategies
John Ryan $9,221.66 10/9/12 Mailing McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $2,086.50 10/10/12 direct mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $3,533.93 10/10/12 direct mail McCleskey Media Strategies
John Ryan $4,617.05 10/15/12 Mailing McCleskey Media Strategies
John Ryan $28,681.08 10/16/12 campaign services McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $3,365.43 10/16/12 direct mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $4,697.30 10/16/12 direct mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Amy Orlando $26,000.00 10/16/12 TV Advertising McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $10,863.41 10/22/12 direct mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $5,201.01 10/29/12 direct mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Amy Orlando $3,000.00 10/29/12 Radio Ad Spots McCleskey Media Strategies
John Ryan $27,705.38 10/30/12 5 Mailings McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $26,555.84 11/1/12 direct mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $22,215.88 1/3/13 Direct Mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $5,350.00 1/10/13 Consultant Mccleskey Media Strategies
Paul Pacheco $5,013.61 3/8/13 Legislative Update Mailer McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 3/18/13 Professional Services Mccleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 4/15/13 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 4/30/13 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 5/31/13 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $26,750.00 7/9/13 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $13,000.00 7/19/13 Direct Mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,687.50 8/19/13 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,687.50 8/19/13 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $2,219.68 9/9/13 Direct Mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,687.50 10/18/13 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,687.50 11/27/13 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,687.50 12/24/13 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $20,062.50 3/20/14 Media/Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $49,064.49 3/26/14 Media Production/Film Shoot McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,510.76 4/2/14 Reimbursement for travel McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $29,862.00 4/3/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $11,646.44 4/4/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $152,807.96 4/8/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $51,495.50 4/18/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,687.50 4/18/14 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,008.23 4/21/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,881.00 4/25/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $12,679.50 4/25/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,490.75 4/25/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $64,707.05 4/25/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $69,748.80 5/5/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $68,469.06 5/12/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $110,588.58 5/15/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $4,280.00 5/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $4,608.49 6/2/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 6/2/14 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 6/2/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $53,512.43 6/6/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $23,441.38 6/6/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $137,194.48 6/10/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,404.42 6/11/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $24,049.14 6/13/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $111,550.57 6/17/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $56,765.09 6/18/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,391.99 6/25/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,897.05 6/25/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,638.62 6/25/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $11,353.43 6/25/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $10,413.60 6/25/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $10,481.72 6/25/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $113,924.28 6/26/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 7/1/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,037.33 7/16/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $10,447.92 7/16/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $75,438.52 7/21/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $4,007.18 7/25/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $59,618.60 7/28/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $4,439.97 7/31/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $80,675.39 8/4/14 media buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,532.91 8/5/14 media buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $30,011.31 8/6/14 media buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $9,316.49 8/11/14 production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $81,761.00 8/11/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $11,121.31 8/13/14 media buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $23,850.79 8/18/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $130,688.78 8/19/14 media buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,645.69 8/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $9,997.55 8/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $3,843.44 8/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $20,766.13 8/22/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $23,147.90 8/26/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,687.50 8/26/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $128,646.74 8/28/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $25,373.43 8/28/14 Film Shoot McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $12,803.54 8/29/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $9,528.89 8/29/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $1,981.64 8/29/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $9,632.14 8/29/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $24,034.85 9/2/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $65,958.50 9/4/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $181,780.53 9/8/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,214.15 9/12/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $218,235.03 9/15/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $9,594.69 9/18/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,404.83 9/18/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $12,761.44 9/18/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,083.58 9/18/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $9,143.15 9/18/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,048.85 9/18/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $209,541.05 9/22/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $330.11 9/23/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,783.57 9/23/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $283,706.20 9/26/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,265.33 9/27/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,330.04 9/27/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 10/1/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $11,481.31 10/1/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,758.25 10/1/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,297.85 10/3/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $260,345.90 10/3/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Dianna Duran $135,139.30 10/9/14 TV buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $377,268.86 10/10/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,865.04 10/14/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,185.89 10/14/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,174.35 10/14/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,044.12 10/14/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $5,146.86 10/15/14 radio McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $25,000.00 10/15/14 radio McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $18,887.06 10/17/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $12,084.00 10/17/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $542,093.97 10/17/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
J. Miles Hanisee $173,070.71 10/20/14 TV Media buy, TV Ad production, mailers, polling McCleskey Media Strategies, LLC
Susana Martinez $2,379.68 10/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $5,614.71 10/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $9,457.75 10/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $1,556.32 10/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $12,104.91 10/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 10/21/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,494.90 10/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,833.92 10/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,585.64 10/21/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Dianna Duran $94,342.22 10/23/14 TV buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $676,322.05 10/24/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,618.85 10/27/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,513.60 10/27/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $11,606.29 10/28/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $5,000.00 10/28/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,906.12 10/28/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,848.34 10/28/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Dianna Duran $23,025.00 10/29/14 TV buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Dianna Duran $13,023.73 10/30/14 TV Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Nate Gentry $14,245.28 11/3/14 direct mail/radio McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $10,250.60 11/6/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,300.00 11/6/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $10,764.20 11/6/14 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 11/17/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $5,350.00 11/20/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $3,294.62 11/21/14 Reimbursement McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $16,050.00 12/2/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $13,375.00 1/14/15 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $16,050.00 2/16/15 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $16,050.00 2/19/15 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Conrad James $5,796.49 2/23/15 Constituent Survey McCleskey Media Strategies LLC
Nate Gentry $5,101.04 2/24/15 Direct Mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Paul Pacheco $5,376.42 3/30/15 Constituent mailer McCleskey Media Strategies
Susana Martinez $21,400.00 4/6/15 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Terry McMillan $5,599.28 4/30/15 mailer McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 10/29/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 9/26/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 7/29/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 8/28/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 9/26/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting retainer McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 4/28/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting retainer McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 5/29/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting retainer McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 6/27/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting retainer McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 2/26/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting retainer McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 3/28/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting retainer McCleskey Media Strategies
Republican Governor's Association $10,000.00 1/30/14 Nevada/Arizona consulting retainer McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,700.00 5/11/11 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $3,080.40 6/20/11 Travel McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,700.00 7/14/11 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $548.89 8/9/11 Travel Expenses McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,700.00 10/5/11 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $11,449.00 10/7/11 Mass mailing McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,700.00 10/17/11 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $14,980.00 10/27/11 Mass Mailing McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $4,387.00 11/9/11 Mailing McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $658.80 11/9/11 Expense Reimbursement McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,700.00 11/15/11 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,700.00 12/22/11 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,700.00 1/6/12 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $4.95 1/17/12 Software McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $28.00 1/17/12 Software McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,700.00 2/13/12 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $5,323.78 2/17/12 Mailing McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $13,375.00 3/9/12 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $13,375.00 4/6/12 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $26.68 4/24/12 Expenses/copies McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $145.60 4/27/12 Expenses McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $305.60 5/2/12 Expenses McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $113.90 5/7/12 Expenses McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $272.10 5/7/12 Expenses McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,275.00 5/9/12 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $3,100.00 5/9/12 Mailing McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $25.00 5/11/12 Expenses McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $9.00 5/25/12 Office Supplies-CC McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $10,700.00 5/30/12 Radio Buy McCleskey Media
Reform New Mexico Now $13,375.00 5/30/12 Media Buy McCleskey Media
Reform New Mexico Now $8,025.00 5/31/12 Printing/ media production McCleskey Media
Reform New Mexico Now $4,776.48 5/31/12 Mailers McCleskey Media
SUSANA PAC $180.00 6/1/12 Travel Reimb McCleskey Media
SUSANA PAC $180.00 6/1/12 Travel Reimb McCleskey Media
SUSANA PAC $644.95 6/26/12 Travel Reimb McCleskey Media
Reform New Mexico Now $11,449.00 7/30/12 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $13,375.00 7/31/12 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $1,926.00 7/31/12 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $11,449.00 8/8/12 Professional Services McCleskey Media
Reform New Mexico Now $1,926.00 8/8/12 Professional Services McCleskey Media
SUSANA PAC $115.56 8/22/12 Reimbursement McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $777.89 8/22/12 Expense Reimbursement McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $802.50 8/22/12 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $13,675.00 9/10/12 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $2,675.00 9/10/12 Mailing McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $10,700.00 9/10/12 Mailing/ Creative McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $13,676.79 9/17/12 Media Placement McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $340.74 9/26/12 Office Supplies McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $84.53 9/26/12 Office Supplies McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $51.90 10/3/12 Office Expenses McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $3,210.00 10/3/12 Media/Mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $13,107.50 10/3/12 Media/Mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $6,687.50 10/12/12 Media/Mail McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $6,687.50 10/23/12 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $36,904.29 10/23/12 Media / Mail McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $28,890.00 11/5/12 Production McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $6,533.98 11/28/12 Consulting/Travel Expenses McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $26,750.00 1/2/13 Media/Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $463.95 4/1/13 Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $1,960.80 5/23/13 Expense Reimbursement Nicole McCleskey
SUSANA PAC $6,687.50 8/19/13 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $6,687.50 8/19/13 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $13,375.00 9/16/13 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $536.13 9/16/13 Expense Reimbursement McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $839.28 10/10/13 Travel Expense Nicole McCleskey
SUSANA PAC $6,687.50 10/17/13 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $178.71 10/17/13 Travel Expenses McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $318.10 10/22/13 Travel Expense Nicole McCleskey
SUSANA PAC $719.52 10/31/13 Travel Expense Jay McCleskey
SUSANA PAC $719.52 10/31/13 Travel Expense Jay McCleskey
SUSANA PAC $1,000.00 10/31/13 Travel Expense McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $2,164.40 11/8/13 Travel Expenses Jay McCleskey
SUSANA PAC $6,687.50 11/27/13 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $6,687.50 12/24/13 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $13,375.00 1/29/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $1,295.32 1/29/14 Travel Reimbursement McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $2,510.76 4/2/14 Reimbursement for Travel McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $13,375.00 4/18/14 Consultant McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $2,942.00 5/21/14 Expense Reimbursement Nicole McCleskey
NM Future PAC $2,450.00 5/23/14 Media Consulting McCleskey Media Strategies, LLC
NM Future PAC $2,568.00 6/10/14 Consulting - Mail Production McCleskey Media Strategies, LLC
NM Future PAC $2,568.00 6/10/14 Consulting - Mail Production McCleskey Media Strategies, LLC
SUSANA PAC $6,687.50 7/25/14 professional services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $6,687.50 8/26/14 professional services McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $7,341.75 10/2/14 Media Buy/Production McCleskey Media
Advance New Mexico Now $5,752.05 10/3/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media
Advance New Mexico Now $4,728.45 10/6/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media
Advance New Mexico Now $5,170.74 10/10/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $4,728.45 10/10/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $3,360.05 10/17/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $6,713.57 10/17/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
NM Future PAC $10,000.00 10/23/14 Consulting/Media Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $4,728.45 10/24/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $5,200.00 10/27/14 In-Kind Contribution to Nate Gentry for Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $17,417.48 10/28/14 Media McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $22,507.14 10/28/14 Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $53,500.00 11/15/14 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $21,400.00 5/1/15  Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $21,400.00 5/15/15  Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $4,193.45 6/3/15  Mail/Media Production McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $21,400.00 6/5/15  Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $2,675.00 6/9/15  Radio Production McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $2,675.00 6/9/15  Radio Production McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $21,572.69 6/9/15  Media Buy McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $4,019.55 7/13/15  Mail/Media Production McCleskey Media
SUSANA PAC $738.94 7/14/15  Reimbursement Jay McCleskey
SUSANA PAC $21,437.50 7/16/15  Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $21,437.50 8/17/15  Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $6,763.53 9/10/15  Media Buy McCleskey Media
Advance New Mexico Now $3,540.94 9/10/15 Radio Production McCleskey Media
Advance New Mexico Now $16,078.13 9/10/15  Media Development McCleskey Media
SUSANA PAC $1,033.46 9/15/15  Reimbursement McCleskey Media Strategies
SUSANA PAC $21,437.50 9/15/15 0:00 Professional Services McCleskey Media Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $16,078.13 9/29/15 Professional Services McCleskey Media
Susana Martinez $750.00 11/12/09  Event fee Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $21,000.00 4/16/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,000.00 5/28/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $10,000.00 6/24/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $1,100.00 6/24/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $12,000.00 7/2/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,000.00 7/20/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Susana Martinez $3,600.00 7/20/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Susana Martinez $565.00 7/30/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Susana Martinez $12,500.00 7/30/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Susana Martinez $8,000.00 8/11/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Matthew Chandler $5,500.00 8/24/10  Polling Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $1,200.00 8/25/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Susana Martinez $15,000.00 8/25/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,100.00 8/25/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Susana Martinez $12,500.00 8/25/10 Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Nate Gentry $7,750.00 8/26/10  Polling Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $3,500.00 8/31/10  Survey Research Public Opinions Strategies
Susana Martinez $30,000.00 9/7/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $2,850.00 9/15/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $850.00 9/15/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Terry McMillan $6,500.00 10/4/10  Voter Survey or Poll Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $14,750.00 10/7/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $95,000.00 10/14/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $4,988.00 10/20/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,360.00 10/22/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategy
Susana Martinez $7,949.00 11/4/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,500.00 11/4/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $3,325.00 11/4/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,500.00 11/4/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $3,325.00 11/4/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,949.00 11/4/10  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $25,000.00 1/27/11  Voters Survey Public Opinion Strategies
Nate Gentry $4,050.00 9/12/12  polling Public Opinion Strategies
Terry McMillan $8,400.00 9/24/12  Opinion Poll Public Opinion Strategies
John Ryan $4,200.00 10/11/12  Polling Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $10,138.00 7/23/13  Survey Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $7,500.00 5/5/14  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $15,500.00 5/23/14  Survey Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $16,000.00 6/17/14  Opinion Research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $42,600.00 7/14/14  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Nate Gentry $11,000.00 8/5/14  survey Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $22,000.00 8/19/14  survey research Public Opinion Strategies
Terry McMillan $5,500.00 9/2/14  survey Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $30,000.00 9/4/14  Survey Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $6,000.00 9/11/14  Survey Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $25,000.00 9/23/14  survey Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $26,000.00 10/1/14  Survey Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $24,500.00 10/8/14  Survey research Public Opinion Strategies
Nate Gentry $7,700.00 10/15/14  polling Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $28,000.00 10/16/14  Survey research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $56,000.00 10/21/14  Survey research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $55,000.00 10/27/14: Survey research Public Opinion Strategies
Susana Martinez $27,500.00 11/21/140 Survey research Public Opinion Strategies
Republican Campaign Committee of New Mexico $15,750.00 7/26/10  Survey: No Federal Candidates Public Opinion Strategies
Republican Campaign Committee of New Mexico $6,500.00 11/4/10 Professional Services: State Candidates only Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $11,400.00 6/15/11  Demographic Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $22,500.00 11/1/11  Polling Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $27,500.00 4/16/12  Survey Public Opinion Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $17,300.00 9/3/12  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Republican Campaign Committee of New Mexico $12,000.00 7/30/12  Polling Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $4,050.00 9/5/12  Survey/ Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $4,200.00 9/12/12  Survey/ Research Public Opinion Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $16,400.00 9/10/12  Survey/Research Public Opinion Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $29,900.00 9/24/12  Survey/Research Public Opinion Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $15,800.00 9/28/12  Survey/Research Public Opinion Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $19,250.00 10/12/12  Survey/Research Public Opinion Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $19,350.00 10/19/12  Survey/Research Public Opinion Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $8,800.00 10/19/12  Survey/Research Public Opinion Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $30,300.00 10/24/12  Survey/Research Public Opinion Strategies
Reform New Mexico Now $30,000.00 11/28/12  Survey/ Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $5,000.00 4/9/13 Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,000.28 7/1/13  Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $5,000.00 7/23/13  Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $23,000.00 9/3/13  Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $28,200.00 2/7/14  Survey Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $10,000.00 5/6/14  Survey Research/Legislative Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $25,180.00 7/21/14  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $9,000.00 9/26/14  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $5,000.00 10/3/14  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $40,500.00 9/3/14  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $4,500.00 10/3/14  Survey Research Public Opinion Strategies
RAGA New Mexico PAC $1,800.00 10/21/14  Statewide Survey Public Opinion Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $23,000.00 10/21/14  Survey/Research Public Opinion Strategies
RAGA New Mexico PAC $2,000.00 11/3/14  RESEARCH: SURVEY Public Opinion Strategies
Advance New Mexico Now $14,993.00 11/6/14  Survey/ Research Public Opinion Strategies
SUSANA PAC $15,500.00 4/16/15  Research Public Opinion Strategies

FOX News Strikes Back

Just because it's "pre-emptive" 
doesn't mean that "someone, somewhere" isn't getting nervous.

Here, MeanMesa must admit to never even so much as considering the possibility that FOX was actually bold enough to publish anything under the herald of "FOX NEWS Latino." Still, I suppose that some executive at Rupert Murdoch's fetid "propaganda parlor" must still be trying desperately to convince New Mexico's Hispanics to vote for "R's" in the next election.

Nonetheless, it's appropriate to include this article here if for no other reason that it reveals the concern the FOXites are clearly experiencing over the prospect that this story will find its feet, gain traction and become a politically motivating issue.


Gov. Susana Martinez calls allegations of improper fundraising, 'cheap shots'

In a statement to The Associated Press, the Republican governor said she's aware of complaints being raised about her political consultant Jay McCleskey. The complaints, Martinez said, are coming from political opponents who have tried to attack her previously.

"They failed against me, and now it appears they've moved on to people who work for me. They'll fail there, too, and I am confident that neither Jay, nor anyone else, has done anything wrong. They can't beat him, so they try to smear him," Martinez said.

Her comments come after the Santa Fe New Mexican reported that the FBI has interviewed some state Republicans about Martinez's fundraising activities and McCleskey. The newspaper said it was unclear what potential violations federal agents are investigating.

McCleskey did not immediately return a phone message and an email from The AP.

FBI spokesman Frank Fisher said the agency could neither confirm nor deny it is conducting an investigation.

Still, the Democratic Party of New Mexico used the newspaper's story to attack Martinez and McCleskey, who helped orchestrate Martinez's rise to the governor's mansion in 2010 and helped Republicans capture the New Mexico House in 2014 for the first time since the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

McCleskey also served as a political consultant for Reform New Mexico Now, a political action committee that spent nearly $700,000 on radio ads and mailings in targeted House races.

"We know Gov. Martinez keeps Jay McCleskey as her top (adviser) because he gets his hands dirty for her," Democratic Party of New Mexico executive director Joe Kabourek said. "Instead of focusing on her out of state donors and the special interests, Gov. Martinez needs to put our New Mexican families first."

Martinez, the nation's only Latina governor and a rising star within the GOP, said she believed investigators will look at the case fairly.