Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Refreshing, One Minute Glimpse at Great Nature

MeanMesa usually avoids "cute" picture sets in favor of our traditional, heavy hitting political commentaries, but this one is simply too sweet to ignore.  It arrived at Galactic Headquarters without any source credits through routine email, and now it's become a post on Short Current Essays.  Take a break from everything that's happening in the world and enjoy a little glimpse of Great Nature "doing her thing."

A MeanMesa Note:  For our international visitors, "Colorado Springs" is a city located South of Denver in the Western state of Colorado in the US.  The Rocky Mountains run  South to North through Colorado.  Although Colorado Springs is a fairly large place, many of its residents live in rural areas around the outskirts of the city.  These photos were almost certainly taken in one of these outlying areas.

If you don't have a rain barrel ~~~ get one!
People living in Colorado Springs wondered why their rain water
barrel was almost empty every day. They set up a couple cameras
and look what they caught on film  ~  Isn't nature beautiful?

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